How can I prevent unwanted programs from running when I start my computer?

Using System Restore, Figures 8.22 and 8.23 How can I find out what System Restore will change before I use it? Windows 8 Error Recovery and Advanced Boot Options Windows 7 Error Recovery and Advanced Boot Options I’m not sure the power and data cables to my hard disk are plugged in correctly Switching to AHCI Mode in Windows 7 and Windows 8.x I just installed an SSD in place of a hard disk, but my computer isn’t any faster I see a STOP (blue screen) error when I try to start the computer or after I use it for awhile

My computer won’t start if I have a USB flash drive plugged into it Troubleshooting a System That Displays Errors at Startup (flowchart) My computer displays an error message when it starts Learn More Buy Fast Track to Solutions Table 8.1 Symptom Table PC and Gadget Help Desk, The: A Do-It-Yourself Guide To Troubleshooting and Repairing