Were there any clones that disobeyed order 66
Were there any clones that disobeyed order 66

Members of the 501st Legion Star Wars fan group were enlisted to appear in Disney+’s The Mandalorian, which was running low on Stormtrooper costumes. He is ultimately killed by Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard and dies in Rex’s arms. With the help of 501st medic Kix, Fives is able to contact Rex and Anakin Skywalker, and he attempts to warn them of the conspiracy and of Palpatine’s involvement.

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  • were there any clones that disobeyed order 66

    … Some clones, such as Rex, Commander Wolffe and Gregor, were able to remove the control chips in their heads, which allowed them to disobey Order 66. The execution of Order 66 marked the destruction of the Jedi Order. Also the number 69 is funny because it’s sexual. In the same way What was Order 69? Order 69, was a plan to implement bagels to the default Clone Trooper arsenal. … There likely was no remorse for the Jedi because Order 66 was akin to a switch being flipped.

    were there any clones that disobeyed order 66 were there any clones that disobeyed order 66

    He turns to leave as a young Jedi attacks the clones, but alas the numbers are too much and the youngster is killed. The 501st Legion, originally operating as an elite group known as the 501st Clone Battalion, was a Republic Military battalion and later legion of elite clone troopers under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano. … The Republic’s forces were composed primarily of a large clone army grown by Kaminoan scientists from the genetic blueprint of bounty hunter Jango Fett. Commander Cody went on to serve the Galactic Empire for years after Palpatine’s Order 66 turned the clone troopers against the Jedi.

    Were there any clones that disobeyed order 66